Please Join the Movement! June 1 – July 31, 2024

June 3, 2024

Join the movement!  Summer is here! And with it comes Konbit Sante’s 15th “get out and get moving” fundraiser, a testament to our enduring commitment to improving health care in northern Haiti.

Anyone, anywhere, can participate, so please join us. Whether you have Haitian roots, are interested in global health, or are simply looking for a good reason to get out, get moving, and show your support for Konbit Sante in a particularly impactful way, this peer-to-peer event is for you.

Your fundraising has a direct and tangible impact. It provides essential medicines, equipment and supplies to four medical facilities in northern Haiti, it supports pediatric caregivers, and it offers pre-natal care, post-natal care, and early vaccines in underserved neighborhoods.

Here are four ways to support STAND WITH HAITI. and MOVE WITH KONBIT. 
(1) Start your own fundraiser. You might choose to walk or run around your neighborhood, ride a bike or exercise bike, hike, kayak, swim, paint, sing, read a book, meditate, dance, etc. – anything that involves moving or being moved (literally or figuratively). Then create your fundraising page and invite friends, family, colleagues, and other like-minded acquaintances to support your activity. See more HERE.

(2) Become a sponsor. See more HERE.

(3) Support all the fundraisers and all Konbit Sante’s work by donating HERE.

(4) Spread the word that you’re supporting STAND WITH HAITI. MOVE WITH KONBIT. Thank you!
Check out these early bird fundraisers for inspiration:

Please join us!

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