At top: Pediatric residents and attending physicians during intubation training with Dr. Adam Silverman (third from left, grey shirt).
December marked the launch of an updated and expanded neonatal training course at Justinien University Hospital. Justinien Hospital is the largest public teaching and tertiary care hospital in northern Haiti and admits more than 700 neonatal patients a year.
This enhanced training course introduces new nurses and residents to basic and practical concepts of neonatal care and encourages teamwork among nurses, residents, and attending physicians. While the course was initially designed for Justinien Hospital pediatric nurses and residents, attendance has expanded to include 11 doctors and nurses from our partner, Serving Sante, in Limbé.
Training sessions are held every other Thursday at noon and are designed to provide essential knowledge and practical skills for neonatal care. Twenty-four critical topics are covered, ranging from the classification of neonates to the proper use of bCPAP and other essential techniques.
“These classes are very helpful to improve
the quality of care.”
—Dr. Nelly Osias Charles, OB/GYN, head of Serving Sante
Our thanks to volunteers Dr. Adam Silverman from Connecticut Children’s in Hartford, Dr. Dan Sobel, neonatal-perinatal pediatrician from Portland, ME, and Dr. Victor Herson, neonatal-perinatal pediatrician from Hartford. The training will be done partly remotely and partly in-person in Haiti. Dr. Silverman taught in person in Haiti in December ’24. Both Drs. Sobel and Dr. Herson plan to teach in Haiti later in January.