Haiti Staff to Hike to the Citadel!

June 13, 2024

This June, our team in Haiti will embark on a hike to the Citadel, a UNESCO World Heritage site in northern Haiti. This event is not just a physical journey but a testament to Haiti’s proud history of resilience and determination. This history has inspired generations in Haiti and around the world to imagine and strive for better futures, even in the face of seemingly impossible odds. Please visit the staff’s fundraising site, consider a donation to encourage and celebrate their hike, and stay tuned for photos.

It’s not too late to:

    1. Start your own fundraiser. Simply choose your activity, then create your fundraising page and invite friends, family, colleagues, and other like-minded acquaintances to support your activity. Here’s how to start.
    2. Become a sponsor. The three different levels are described HERE.
    3. Support one (or more) of these terrific fundraisers launched by friends of Konbit Sante.
    4. Spread the word that you’re supporting STAND WITH HAITI. MOVE WITH KONBIT.

Thank you!

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