Hôpital Serving Sante is a private 19-bed hospital and clinic in Limbé, about 25 miles west of Cap-Haitien. It is run by Dr. Nelly Osias, OB/GYN, a highly skilled and compassionate physician we first met when she was a resident at Justinien University Hospital in Cap-Haitien.
Dr. Nelly Osias (center) with Marc Donald Norelus, a nurse anesthetist, and Dr.Stanley Loriston, an anesthesiologist visiting from Canada.
Recently, Dr. Osias diagnosed an otherwise strong and healthy 67-year-old woman with advanced, inoperable cervical cancer. “This was so devastating,” says Dr. Osias. “I find them every year, but it is still hard to see those cases. They could have been saved by early screening and by education. I know I do my best to reach a lot of the ladies, but we still have limitations.” She goes on to say, “This month, I had to tell so far two families that their mothers were at terminal cervical cancer stages. Those tears are so heavy.”
Cervical cancer is currently one of the leading causes of death among Haitian women. Committed to cervical cancer prevention, Serving Sante now offers free screening and education at the center and in the community. Dr. Osias reports that they have screened 3,586 women so far. To commemorate Mother’s Day, Dr. Osias plans to screen another 400-500 women by the end of the month.
Dr. Osias notes that they can offer the screening for free because of reduced fuel use for running generators. In 2022, Konbit Sante, working with the Haitian American organization JustEnergy, installed solar panels to provide power and avoid blackouts. Serving Sante has chosen to use these cost savings to expand community services and make cervical cancer screenings available to people regardless of their ability to pay.
With great respect, we offer this story to wish a Happy Mother’s Day to mothers, to all women in Haiti and beyond, and to the doctors and nurses who provide their care.