VilOkap, a promotional platform created to promote the city of Cap-Haitien, has launched a fundraiser for Konbit Sante to provide resources for emergency care at Justinien University Hospital (JUH). The hospital—the only teaching hospital in North Haiti and the second-largest public hospital in the entire country—serves the Greater Cap-Haitien community (Okap) and beyond, and is Konbit Sante’s oldest healthcare partner.
The Okap Cheri (My Beloved Cap-Haitien) fundraiser celebrates the 350th anniversary of Cap-Haitien’s founding and runs through Aug. 31. The multifaceted campaign involves virtual Zoom panels with experts on Haitian topics and issues, a live-streamed concert, a video challenge, and more. Click here for more information and to donate. Click here to follow VilOkap’s Facebook page, view panel discussions, and keep up to date on new developments as they happen.